Hi there, it's Catherine here and I’m the founder of Angl.

I’ve been concerned about environmental issues for as long as I can remember and hoped I could make a difference one day.

I have eco-anxiety and I have also suffered from severe depression from a young age. I hope to help people discover tricks that helped me the most during difficult years. I found that having a clean space helped a lot with my mental health.

Many common cleaning products have toxic and harmful ingredients that we should not be exposed to long-term. Those ingredients can lead to diseases and while they are super powerful, I believe we can do better. As you probably have guessed, these products also harm our environment.

I also believe that finding eco-friendly alternatives should be fun and easy. That’s why I created Angl.


It’s not a chore, it’s a positive discipline and it can improve your productivity and mental health. Small adjustments like putting music on, using cleaning products with a good smell or lighting a candle can make cleaning sessions so much more fun! It’s not about how much cleaning you do, it’s about showing up and doing it for yourself. We firmly believe that a methodic cleaning habit can change your life. Additionally, we can all do better for our big blue home and avoid single use plastic

Clear mind : Dealing with anxiety, depression or ADHD is hard and the first thing that can really help is having a clean and organised environment. Even if you don’t suffer from depression it can be overwhelming sometimes that’s why we created a community and tools to help you get motivated. Check out our FREE Cleaning Guide that includes a cleaning schedule on our instagram page by clicking here. It has tons of tips and lots of organisation suggestions.

Clean house : We taught about two different things. Firstly, how the stup*d cupboard is always messy and has a thousand products in it and sometimes duplicates… ugh. That’s why our bottles are compact and can fit anywhere. Secondly, we also made them triangle so they can fit together like a puzzle and avoid lost spaces.

Clean planet: the old system needed a change! Reducing single use plastic is a priority, the goal is to reuse the same bottle because there is no reason to keep throwing plastic bottles every time we are done with one product. The tablets are compact because your cleaning products are mostly made of water and transporting gallons of water causes green gas emissions from transport. You can just add your water from your tap, at home!